Holland lops come in many colors and patterns. Some are fully colored and others are spotted with two or three colors, but the appearance of a Holland lop does no effect her personality.
The body shape of a Holland lop never is exactly the same or totally different. Each rabbit may have slight variations but Holland lops always have floppy ears. When Hollands are born their ears are up as, say, a Netherland dwarf rabbit. But, as they grow older they begin to flop. They generally begin to flop at the age of two months but some don't flop until they are three years! Also, Hollands have a round figure with bulky legs. Their ears hang to the side of their head and they are about four pounds.
The colors of Hollands vary and there are multiple. I will list some of the more common ones and give a small description.
Fawn- a light orange color that is on most of the body. A fully fawn rabbit will generally have a white or lighter stomach and chin.
The body shape of a Holland lop never is exactly the same or totally different. Each rabbit may have slight variations but Holland lops always have floppy ears. When Hollands are born their ears are up as, say, a Netherland dwarf rabbit. But, as they grow older they begin to flop. They generally begin to flop at the age of two months but some don't flop until they are three years! Also, Hollands have a round figure with bulky legs. Their ears hang to the side of their head and they are about four pounds.
The colors of Hollands vary and there are multiple. I will list some of the more common ones and give a small description.
Fawn- a light orange color that is on most of the body. A fully fawn rabbit will generally have a white or lighter stomach and chin.
Red- a VERY dark orange that almost looks red. It is very similar to the fawn and it isn't a REAL color that is certified in the US.
Lilac- a purple like gray. There are many versions of gray and this is a more common one. Sometimes a lilac Holland will have whites or lighter colors.
Chocolate- a dark brown color. These types of rabbits will usually be all one color.
Chinchilla- a gray/brown color that resembles a chinchilla. This type of rabbit will look like a chinchilla and will be covered in one color all around.
Squirrel- a squirrel colored rabbit will resemble a squirrel and she will have a light brown colored fur with other colors mixed in.
Black- just as it sounds, black.
Blue- a dark gray. A blue rabbit may look as though it has a blue tint in certain light
Red-eyed white- a white rabbit with red eyes. A rabbit with this color may resemble a lab rat or Bunnicula.
Blue-eyed white- a white rabbit with blue eyes. This rabbit will look friendly and much nicer than its red-eyed cousin, but remember, color doesn't effect personality!
There are more colors but I can't list them all. If you want me to put a color in, leave a comment and as soon as I get it, I will add it in. Please add a description if possible.
There are also many patterns. There are not as many patterns as colors but there are also ones I will probably miss. I will do the same as I did with the colors and you do the same if I miss one.
Broken- this is my favorite of the patterns and it can happen with white and any other color. White will be the base color and the other color will be scattered around the rest of the body. More of the other color will be on the face. The picture above is a broken black Holland lop.
Pointed- this rabbit pattern almost resembles a Siamese cat. A color (commonly gray) will be on the nose and ears and it will lighten the farther away it gets from the starting area.
Self- there is not much to explain about this pattern. Self is when a color is over all of the body and it is only one color.
Tortoise shell- this color has to versions. Both consist of patches of colors around the body. The only difference is one has two colors and white, and the other has one color and white.
Fuzzy- fuzzy isn't a pattern but I thought I should put it in. It is just when a rabbit has longer hair that is, hence the name, fuzzier! It is not common for a Holland to be fuzzy, but it can happen.
Again, if I forgot one of the many patterns or colors, please leave a comment below.
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ReplyDeleteRabbit Breeders
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